The priority activities under this component
should include i) improving the linkages to
market for those communities which are
producing significant surplus, particularly
during the monsoon season ii) reducing the
workload of women by ensuring supply of safe
drinking water close to the habitations,
iii) improving the access to food supply
through PDS iv) child care v) health care,
vi) supplementing educational infrastructure
etc. Besides, activities like creating work
sheds for the communities for income
generating activities like NTFP processing
unit, storage centers, mills etc. may also
be covered. These facilities will be used by
the communities and may be managed by the
VDCs through the common user groups. The
activities such as major village road
development should not be completely funded
form this component. In case the community
identifies such needs, the community should
be mobilized to provide contribution in
terms of unskilled labour as much as
possible (to be decided by the communities)
and government contribution must be
augmented through convergence. Emphasis must
be given on community responsibility for
maintenance of the |